Tongariro Summit Weekend 2016

Following on from the success of our Mt Ngauruhoe winter summit last year, this time we will be aiming to summit Mt Tongariro! When: 16 – 18 September (reserve weekend 23 – 25 September) Where: Tongariro National Park Trip Leader: Scott Chamberlain Level of Difficulty: Beginner / Intermediate Proposed Accommodation: tbc, National Park Basic itinerary: (See Facebook for updates…) Fri – drive to National Park Sat – full day beginner-intermediate hike to Tongariro Summit from Mangatepopo car park & return Sun – free day to do ‘whatever’ pending energy levels etc – then drive home Options: Trip Leader & route for […]

HiTAC August 2016

President’s Desk If you haven’t seen them already, do take a look at the photos on the club’s Facebook page of the huge avalanche that swept down through Hongis last Saturday night; certainly generating a lot of comment! The only Level Two Snowcraft Course has now been held and Chris tells me both Level One courses are fully booked. The Caving trip has also proved popular and is also now fully booked, thanks Alec, Greg and Sophie. Don’t forget to contact Sophie if you are interested in heading over to Central Plateau during the weekend of 16-18 September, also filling up fast. Sophie […]

TAC Scone Bake Off

Can you do better than this? If so, be at Tahurangi Lodge on Saturday 16 July for the great TAC Scone Bake Off. Sweet Scones and Savoury Scones are all welcome and will be judged and consumed. Trophy for the best and not so good scone. Judging will be at 4.00 pm by all, judgers need not be scone makers, so come along and enjoy. Bring your finest tea cup and saucer to complement your scone. Go to the opp shop to buy one. Fine print: All scones must be made at the lodge. Maximum cook time is 20 minutes […]

Snow Cave Weekend

Keen to practice your winter survival skills? Then read on! Club Trip: SNOW CAVE WEEKEND Open to TAC club members with minimum SC1 or equivalent only. When: 27-28 August (reserve weekend 3 – 4 September) Where: Taranaki Level of Difficulty: Beginner / Intermediate Basic itinerary: Sat – morning walk to Tahurangi Lodge for pre-briefing followed by short hike to build your snow cave for dinner, bed & breakfast Sun – leave snow cave – hike back to Tahurangi Lodge & back to North Egmont car park Participants to provide / pay for own gear, equipment, food. TAC will provide snow […]

HiTAC July 2016

President’s Desk If you’ve visited Tahurangi Lodge recently you will have noticed the new bench top oven that Greg has installed. Just a bit more capacity than the old one, this one can turn out scones, pizza and even a roast! We’ve also replaced the old sandwich press with a much more capable model. FMC Membership cards will be mailed out to all financial members early next week. FMC no longer prints the handout listing all of the Discount providers, however you can access this from FMC website: If you stay in the back country huts frequently it is […]