Trip Report: Whanganui Bay December 2023

The vibe was dismal as I sat in my office, glancing outside at the pouring rain, contemplating putting my tent up later that evening. Sifting through the forecast charts, I retained just enough hope that the NW rain event would depart the North Island intime for the weekend. All we were waiting for was some classic three-star cragging at the bay. Whanganui Bay was on and excited for some Taranaki visitors! Teaming up with the active Dave and Conrad Bolger, we gapped work (and school) early to begin the journey over to the Bay. With the techno quietly humming and […]

Trip Report: Midwinter Christmas and Movie Night July 2023

With a dismal weather forecast leading up to the movie night, many of us were thinking we would have to postpone this annual event. However, the weather gods came to our rescue and by Saturday the weather had improved sufficiently for the event to go ahead. It was a bit damp on the way up to the lodge, but not too breezy, and the snow didn’t firm up too much until later that evening. 26 adults and 2 children made their way to the lodge with the last person arriving just in time for dinner. Once we had unpacked and […]

Trip Report: Rock and Rope May 2023

Wow!!…almost beaten by the weather gods but not quite!! Our move up and Saturday training was hampered by horizontal rain so a last-minute decision was made to train in the YMCA and go through the basics and introductions! This was kept simple and focused on a great way to learn “abseiling” but also highlighted there were other options available and you might see your mates doing things slightly different!! But for beginners, lets learn a good way to start us off!! Knots were tied, abseils carried out, discussions had and finally ropes coiled ready for a fast and furious Sunday […]