Trip Report: East Face 4th March 2023

Sharks tooth trip report A massive shout out to Don Patterson for guiding us up to the summit of sharks tooth. What a scramble of endless rock looking out over the ski field below. Very deceiving in estimated time and then suddenly you were popping out at the top! Lunch was taken at the summit, surprisingly low wind made that a very pleasant occasion. My favourite was the decent of the chimney into the crater for the summer exit back to the lodge.Some amazing photographs were taken by the group to remember this achievement. Now, Who’s keen to do a […]

Trip Report: Bush Skills Navigation Nov 2022

I recently attended the OTNZ Bush Navigation Skills course and have to admit (shamefully) my map reading skills certainly would not have saved me if I was to get lost on a solo mission off the beaten track on the maunga but thanks to this course I can say I probably have a 50% chance of finding my way out. Magnetic North, True North , Grid North! Very important first bit of information to learn. I had never used a compass before so that was a new experience for me, you can’t always rely on the GPS or other people. […]

Trip Report: Curtis Ridge

Sunday 14 May 2017 – (Half of) Curtis Ridge A stunning no–wind morning greeted the eight of us at Stratford Plateau at 7:30 a.m. The objective was to ascend Curtis Ridge, visiting Fanthams Peak, then return via Kapuni Lodge, Kapuni Stream and Wilkies Pools.  This being a summer trip the early arrival of ice higher on the ridge meant an alternative adventure was likely.  Progress up the ‘closed’ Curtis Ridge track was surprisingly good and we reached the Priests Fingers (1580m) by 9 a.m.  A short explore further up the ridge was followed by the decision to drop directly into […]

Trip Report: “Verdonified”

By Chris Hayes, with editing by Lucy Blackbourn It’s September, and Jason and I are in the Gorges Du Verdon with every intent of enjoying the fine French limestone. Of course, we want to jump on a classic Verdon multi pitch, so we look through the guidebook and find one; 160m, grades all inside our abilities, and relatively easy access. Sounds perfect. To get to the climb, we have to walk about 50m from the road to the gorge rim, find the rappel anchor, and rappel down to the starting ledge. It took us nearly two hours of wandering around […]