Trip Report: East Face 4th March 2023

Sharks tooth trip report A massive shout out to Don Patterson for guiding us up to the summit of sharks tooth. What a scramble of endless rock looking out over the ski field below. Very deceiving in estimated time and then suddenly you were popping out at the top! Lunch was taken at the summit, surprisingly low wind made that a very pleasant occasion. My favourite was the decent of the chimney into the crater for the summer exit back to the lodge.Some amazing photographs were taken by the group to remember this achievement. Now, Who’s keen to do a […]

HiTAC March 2023

President’s Desk We had an awesome crew of seasoned and first time helpers on this year’s Taranaki Alpine Clubs Open Climb, The event having an 80 year old colourful history, this year saw the climb to go ahead under the revised safety plan in which extensive member feedback was collected and incorporated generously by Jonathan Crane and Sophie Tucker. It was a great day all round with generally well prepared participants and even though there was no epic views, the chilly wind seemed to give punters an alternative sense of achievement pushing beyond their prior limits. All 64 participants descended […]