Photo Competition Winners December 2023

ABN: ABOVE BUSHLINE (With no Human Element) ABW: ABOVE BUSHLINE (With a Human Element) BBN: BELOW BUSHLINE (With no Human Element) BBW: BELOW BUSHLINE (With a Human Element) HIS: HISTORIC NFF: NATIVE FLORA & FAUNA LXP: LONG EXPOSURE HUM: HUMOUR Overall Winners Runner Up From LXP : Translator at night DON PATTERSON Winner From ABW : From The Gloom JEREMY BECKERS

Trip Report: Whanganui Bay December 2023

The vibe was dismal as I sat in my office, glancing outside at the pouring rain, contemplating putting my tent up later that evening. Sifting through the forecast charts, I retained just enough hope that the NW rain event would depart the North Island intime for the weekend. All we were waiting for was some classic three-star cragging at the bay. Whanganui Bay was on and excited for some Taranaki visitors! Teaming up with the active Dave and Conrad Bolger, we gapped work (and school) early to begin the journey over to the Bay. With the techno quietly humming and […]

HiTAC December 2023

President’s Desk Kia ora Taranaki dwellers, Just a short one from me this month as I am busy organising Open Climb which is only TWO MONTHS away! Luckily/unluckily, I have a minor injury, so this coincides with getting the admin work smashed out ASAP. If you’re free on Saturday 10th February to give us a hand getting up to 120 members of the public up the hill, let myself or the club secretary know ASAP. For those of you who haven’t helped out before, if you missed the induction at November club night we can still send you the presentation […]