Trip Report: Midwinter Christmas and Movie Night July 2023

With a dismal weather forecast leading up to the movie night, many of us were thinking we would have to postpone this annual event. However, the weather gods came to our rescue and by Saturday the weather had improved sufficiently for the event to go ahead. It was a bit damp on the way up to the lodge, but not too breezy, and the snow didn’t firm up too much until later that evening. 26 adults and 2 children made their way to the lodge with the last person arriving just in time for dinner. Once we had unpacked and […]

HiTAC July 2023

President’s Desk For the brief moments the Maunga sheds its cloudy disguise this week along with a polar blast forecasted, there is hope for a good start and to the snow craft season(touch wood). So hopefully you have some family and friend points saved up to spend up large, on the mountain over winter, if you haven’t it’s not too late to get on top of the odd jobs around the house so that when the big dumps comes, you are ready to hit the snow. On the topic of snowcraft if you haven’t secured a spot, you likely missed […]