2024 Snowcraft Instruction

Hi Climbers! The temperature’s dropping and it’s time to start thinking about our Snowcraft courses. SC1 Instructors & SC1 Train the Trainer Refresh I’m looking for expressions of interest for those who would be able to assist with instructing or helping on these courses. If this sounds like you, please send me an email. For our SC1 Train the Trainer Refresh, rather than a day on the hill, we will look instead to have a session in town on a weeknight to go through what we need to cover. Date to be determined. Snowcraft 1 This year we are making […]

HiTAC May 2024

President’s desk As I sit and scribe this I am sitting by the fire, the weather is chilling down, so hopefully this session we will have good snowfalls to play in! Snowcraft dates are out and applications have been called for. This year we have a slightly different approach to how we group people together so on the day/s everyone is at similar starting point. This will create ease for both instructors and participants alike. Traditionally snowcraft courses fill quickly so express your interest sooner rather than later! Hopefully Rock & Rope will be a “go” this weekend, after having […]

HiTAC April 2024

President’s Desk Kia ora fellow members, Writing articles isn’t my forte, I’m more a verbal face to face communicator! But I’ll give it a nudge. Firstly, I wish to express my thanks for the vote in confidence from the membership in the new Committee. We are working through getting emails assigned, sorting passwords, bank account signatory updated etc, so several hoops to jump through and complete.The new line up looks like this: I hope you caught up with the change of dates for Rope & Rock, now the Saturday 13th April through to the Sunday 14th April. Best to stay […]

HiTAC March 2024

President’s desk Kia ora Koutou Prospective and Current Members, First up, big thanks to those members who blocked out Saturday 10th February 2024 to help out on the Annual Open Climb. Unfortunately, as you will know, it was cancelled. Some of us stubbornly still went up the mountain lower down and I can say from my experience it was less than pleasant even at 1633 metres on both the Saturday and the Sunday. You should have seen the Notice of the AGM in your inboxes earlier this week which takes the place of our next regular club nights time and […]

HiTAC February 2024

President’s desk Kia ora koutou current and prospective members. I hope that all our members enjoyed some relaxing time off over the Christmas and New Year period. I certainly did, with some very easy outdoor rock-climbing: very much enjoying others tie into the sharp end of the rope for a change, and plenty of time spent on the beach, in the moana and awa paddling and swimming. If anyone is looking for a beautiful climbing spot with some tree cover, plenty of birds, insects and some challenging routes on solid rock in line with those on our own maunga, I […]