HiTAC March 2022

President’s Desk

Kia ora katoa,

Right, this is the last one of these you’ll read penned by me, this month’s AGM will be held on Thursday the 3rd, and I’m handing over the belay of New Zealand’s best alpine club to a new president. I’ve been on the executive for ten years and El Pres for the past three, during which time I’ve been extremely lucky to have served alongside a competent, dedicated crew, and through their hard work the club has continued to prosper and grow. With an enthusiastic cohort of fresh new faces keen to climb, supported by many wise old heads, this club is the envy of similar organisations throughout New Zealand. I’m happy to say that the TAC is in great health and in good hands.

Huge thanks are due to Steve Ritson, our departing Club Captain and Gear Officer. Barely intelligible but always cheerful, once deciphered he’s been a huge asset to the club, managing and supplying our club gear, outfitting new members, and sorting the courses. Cheers for your efforts Steve, much appreciated.

Thanks also Jonathan Crane, who having helped overhaul the open climb this year is stepping down from the committee with mission complete.

The rest of the executive has indicated they will stay on, which is great, because continuity and planned succession is a big part of why this club has, in my opinion, been able to get so much done in recent years.
Speaking of getting things done, the stalwarts of lodge maintenance were at it again last weekend, a fresh coat of paint applied to almost all the exterior, the rest will get finished sometime well before the snow arrives, please let Sheryl know if you are free available for another working bee or watch the Facebook page for a callup.

So last Saturday the weekend weather came right for a change and rock and rope went ahead as planned, under blue skies and the dubious guidance of some of those older heads. New members were introduced to via ferrata, abseiling and top roping at Tegal, Wall, and Castles Warwick and Humphries. And it was great to see new climbers pushing themselves with new challenges, trying something different, somewhere they hadn’t been before. There were a lot of deep breaths, grazed knees, the occasional tear, but everyone came away stoked and smiling. Sitting on top of Loosehead in the sunshine, watching a nervous newbie set up their abseil, I couldn’t help but think, it’s days like these that make the TAC the greatest little alpine club in New Zealand.

Long may they continue.

Ivan Bruce
El Presidente!

Read more: HiTAC March 2022