Trip Report: Bob’s Knob

Sat 22 April 2017 – (Not) Bobs Knob/Bluff via Ihaia Track With sunrise peeking above the horizon and a cloudy mountain ahead, ten of us set off from the end of Ihaia Road at 7.15am with our target set on Bob’s Knob (1,780m) and perhaps Bob’s Bluff (1,960m). The track was a tad muddy (to say the least) and with a few streams to cross, it was definitely a ‘gaiter day’! After a quick snack and obligatory loo stop at Waiaua Gorge Hut we continued the upwards slog through winding bush, past a few adjacent drop offs & slips, and a decent view of […]

Trip Report: Tongariro Winter Summit 2016

A full trip of 22 was unfortunately reduced to 13 when atrocious weather forced us to go for our reserve weekend of 23-25 Sept. Well done to all of those that re-organised travel plans to make it! With increasing showers forecast as the Saturday progressed, we started early from Mangetepopo car park at 7.30am and headed into a warm yet slightly overcast and drizzly valley toward Soda Springs and the infamous loo stop. The weather seemed to lift a little and clothing layers were removed as we warmed up walking up Devil’s Staircase. But you guessed it, those layers were […]

Trip Report – Taranaki Snow Cave Weekend 2016

Adventures were had and memories made during our Taranaki snow cave weekend on 27-28 August! With 13 of us in total, 6 went high into Hongis to build their cave whilst the other 7 stayed low in Hongis to build three small 2-3 person caves. The snow cave digging/construction was tougher than we thought. Yet after an afternoon of sweaty perseverance, much shovelling of snow and laughter in cold windy weather, our caves looked great with tunnel entrances, kitchenette areas for dinner, platforms for sleeping and beautifully smoothed walls to stop any drips. Once dinner was cooked, everyone settled into […]

Trip Report – Larapinta Trail, Australia

Larapinta Trail Robin and Bernice Southern The Great Walks of New Zealand include the Milford Track among many others. Google “Great Walks of Australia” and you will find the Larapinta Trail on the top of the list. About the only similarity are the words “Great Walks” In the second half of April 2016, Bernice and I completed the walk. Officially listed at 223km long, it seems by most accounts to be much longer than that. Indeed half of the trail that I GPS’d, I found longer. An Australian we spoke to that had GPS’d the trail twice found it 280 […]