HiTAC October 2016

President’s Desk As mentioned last month the induction briefing for the Open Climb will be held at the November club night, so that is Thursday 3 November, 7.30 pm at the Blind Foundation Rooms. To make this night a little more interesting for you, we’re going to include the Gear presentation of Singing Rock Mountaineering equipment that was unable to go ahead at the September club night, thanks Steve!  And due to popular demand Stephen Miller will also give a brief talk on how the Lodge downstairs upgrade is progressing.  Remember that if you want to help out with the […]

Trip Report: Tongariro Winter Summit 2016

A full trip of 22 was unfortunately reduced to 13 when atrocious weather forced us to go for our reserve weekend of 23-25 Sept. Well done to all of those that re-organised travel plans to make it! With increasing showers forecast as the Saturday progressed, we started early from Mangetepopo car park at 7.30am and headed into a warm yet slightly overcast and drizzly valley toward Soda Springs and the infamous loo stop. The weather seemed to lift a little and clothing layers were removed as we warmed up walking up Devil’s Staircase. But you guessed it, those layers were […]

Trip Report – Taranaki Snow Cave Weekend 2016

Adventures were had and memories made during our Taranaki snow cave weekend on 27-28 August! With 13 of us in total, 6 went high into Hongis to build their cave whilst the other 7 stayed low in Hongis to build three small 2-3 person caves. The snow cave digging/construction was tougher than we thought. Yet after an afternoon of sweaty perseverance, much shovelling of snow and laughter in cold windy weather, our caves looked great with tunnel entrances, kitchenette areas for dinner, platforms for sleeping and beautifully smoothed walls to stop any drips. Once dinner was cooked, everyone settled into […]

HiTAC September 2016

President’s Desk First up some important dates to note in your diary: The induction briefing for the Open Climb will be held at the November club night, so that is Thursday 3 November, 7.30 pm at the Blind Foundation Rooms. If you would like to help out with the Open Climb, you must attend this induction briefing, as part of our Safety Management Plan. The Open Climb will be held on Saturday 18 February 2017 (reserve date of Sunday 19 Feb). The Safety Management Plan is available on the Club Website on the Open Climb page if you would like […]

Taranaki Weekend Day Hikes September & October 2016

These Saturday or Sunday day hikes are aimed to provide regular opportunities to improve your snow craft skills and meet other club members. The hikes are adhoc and will be announced approx mid-week via our facebook page and via email to club members, pending weather and Trip Leader availability. Apologies that July day hikes didn’t happen folks – I’m hoping to ramp it up a bit for August. A bit like ‘pot luck’ weekend hikes  – watch this space! When: A couple of Saturdays or Sundays per month Where: Taranaki Trip Leaders: various Level of Difficulty: Beginner / Intermediate Proposed Accommodation: […]