Derek Quickfall

Stuff; Taranaki Alpine Club veteran ready to celebrate club’s 90th anniversary

This item was published by Stuff, 31st July 2020 Long-serving Taranaki Alpine Club member Derek Quickfall​ has lived his whole life with Mt Taranaki at his doorstep. The mountain’s reputation as one of the most dangerous peaks in New Zealand to climb did not deter the adventurous 20-year-old joining the club in 1952. Within a year he was involved in helping rescue a group of nurses as they descended icy slopes in the dark. Six people were killed in the July 26, 1953, tragedy, which remains the highest number of deaths from one incident on the mountain. Quickfall, 90, gave […]

HiTAC July 2020

President’s Desk Hi folks, We’ve past the shortest day already but does anyone else feel like it’s been a phoney winter so far? After some reasonable snow fall over a month ago there’s been nothing but mild temperatures and recent rains have all but washed that all away. Some of us have all but given up hope and headed north to the Waikato crags instead, so here’s hoping the forecast snow arrives this week. It better, because the winter season is about to get up and running. That kicks off with the train the trainers day on the 11th of […]

Snow Craft 2020

Hi Taranaki Alpine Club, so its that time of year when we get the axes out, sharpen the crampons and don the woolly jumpers n gloves!! For some of you, this will be a whole new exciting stage in your mountaineering or for others just more valuable experiences in the cold white stuff!! The TAC will again be running exceptionally brilliant courses aimed at both novice and experienced mountaineers to get out with like minded members, up-skill, and learn new skills altogether. We will be running three SC1 courses (1 more than last year due to popular demand) and one […]

HiTAC June 2020

President’s Desk Hi folks, It’s been nice to catch up with the climbing community again and stretch out dusty limbs on the Maunga again. Everyone is itching to get back into things as soon as possible and the coming month should start to see a return to normal transmission of club activities. However, there will be no club night for June as our usual venue remains out of bounds. We are working on a back up venue and a guest speaker to kick start the club nights back up again in July, keep an eye on the face book page […]

90th Jubilee Celebrations

Taranaki Alpine Club – 90th Jubilee Celebrations Monday 1 August 2020, Queens Birthday weekend Pot-Luck lunch at the Camp House, North Egmont, 12 noon – 3 pm It has been 90 years since the Taranaki Alpine Club came into being. Come and help us celebrate this remarkable occasion with a pot-luck lunch on Queens Birthday weekend. This is a wonderful opportunity to share your memories and reconnect with long lost climbing friends. If you have some old photos to show, make sure to bring them along as well. Long-time club member Glen Hodges will put together a slide show from […]