2024 Snowcraft Instruction

Hi Climbers!

The temperature’s dropping and it’s time to start thinking about our Snowcraft courses.

SC1 Instructors & SC1 Train the Trainer Refresh

I’m looking for expressions of interest for those who would be able to assist with instructing or helping on these courses. If this sounds like you, please send me an email.

For our SC1 Train the Trainer Refresh, rather than a day on the hill, we will look instead to have a session in town on a weeknight to go through what we need to cover. Date to be determined.

Snowcraft 1

This year we are making a change with SC1 in that, if conditions and the translator road permit, the course will start Friday 7pm North Egmont Visitors Centre.  Feedback from many has been that using the Friday night to get to the Lodge makes for a more enjoyable Saturday and we are able to get more out of the time available.  Course participants must commit to the new start time before applying.  If road or weather conditions don’t suit for the Friday night, then the option still exits for a Saturday 7:30 am start.


  • 1st SC1
    • Starting Fri 26 July 7pm – Sun 28 pm, with a pre-field get together Mon 22 July
    • Backup weekend Fri 2 – Sun 4 Aug
  •  2nd SC1
    • Starting Fri 9 Aug 7pm to Sun 11 pm, with a pre-field get together Mon 5 Aug
    • Backup weekend Fri 16 – Sun 18 Aug
  • 3rd SC1
    • Starting Fri 23 Aug 7pm to Sun 25 pm with pre-field get together Mon 19 Aug
    • Backup weekend Fri 30 Aug – Sun 1 Sept


  • All course dates below have a backup date the following weekend if the course must be postponed due to bad weather.
  • The pre-field evening (in New Plymouth) is compulsory.

If you wish to attend, please complete the SC1 Expressions of Interest form and send to captain.tac@outlook.com, we will be in touch with re further details to confirm your place.


Snowcraft 2

For those considering registering interest for the Snowcraft 2, it is a pre-requisite that you have been undertaking sufficient climbing to a point where your alpine climbing progression is now requiring the use of ropes, protection, anchors to ascend the routes you are wishing to climb.  It is up to the discretion of the course leaders and trainers to accept the application. Please do not be offended if it is declined, this is for climbers to take a significant step with their skills, and it is pertinent that the attendees are confident with their abilities. Please contact captain.tac@outlook.com with your request to join the course detailing your climbing progress and accomplishments to date and aspirations.


  • SC2
    • Fri 5 7pm – Sun 7 July with a pre-field (rock gym) session Mon 1st July
    • No backup date

I look forward to seeing you all.

Your Club Captain,

Glen Hodges

Click here for the form –> Expressions of Interest – Snowcraft 1