HiTAC April 2020

President’s Desk

Glum times for the outdoors types this month, hope you’re all managing to keep sane.

Needless to say there won’t be much happening for the TAC this month, all outside club activities are effectively on hold until we get the all clear to head out again. The lodge is, and this should be pretty clear to all by now, closed for all but emergency services.

We will however be trying out an online club night this Thursday night. See the trips section for details.

Anyone interested in getting involved in club trips, please get in touch with Ange. When we get the all clear to head back out into the hills again there’ll no doubt be a surge of enthusiasm so we can spend this downtime in preparation. If there is somewhere you’ve wanted to go, or a trip you think you might like to lead, let Ange know and we’ll get it going.

Likewise, our club captain needs to be kept busy, so those interested in doing Snow Craft 1 and 2 this year, need to email or phone Steve and get you place on the courses booked. These fill up fast.

For what it is worth, my advice for surviving the lock down is to lay off the stay at home training challenges. After initially thinking I was going to spend the lock down in an intense monk like training regime and emerge even stronger than ever, I tweaked my finger pulley (again) on the first day of door frame pull ups and have rapidly given over to trying to rest up for the winter season instead.

So I’m taking the advice of Andy Kilpatrick who when asked how he keeps up is endurance between projects he stated, “I don’t. I have a very schizo life, and often let my body go fallow for long periods, get fat, etc. The upside of this is that at 46 I’ve no injuries that are dogging me while my peers are pretty much wrecked.”

Stay home folks, stock take your climbing gear, sharpen your tools, spend hours online to find the perfect article of subtly branded apparel, take it easy, see you in month.

Ivan Bruce
El Presidente!

Read more: HiTAC April 2020