HiTAC November 2016

President’s Desk

Presidents Desk

The Open Climb Committee held its first meeting last weekend, with much being achieved. As you know the Open Climb induction will take place at Club night on Thursday 3 November. If everyone who’d like to help out with the Open Climb on 18 February could be there, that will be great! And don’t forget Steve Ritson will be doing the gear presentation that night as well, and Stephen Miller will bring us up to date with the Lodge downstairs upgrade. See you there!

You may have seen on the Club’s facebook page that Chris is organising a navigation/map reading course for club members. This would be an evening lecture to be followed by a one-day weekend practical exercise planned for this spring to early summer. If your skills are a bit rusty, contact Chris to register your interest.

TAC Logo B&W

We’ve updated the Annual Club barbecue to the third Thursday in January, so that’s the 19th. Being the 3rd Thursday we hope you’ll all be back from holiday by then. More info under club nights.

The December club night will feature the Club’s Annual Photo Competition, and as with tradition, the club will put on a few beers to celebrate the end of year. However there are going to be a few more reasons for celebrating on this night, as we’ll be making a special presentation to some very special club members who have supported this organisation for a very long time, 50 years to be exact!

Wow, did you manage to get on the hill over Labour weekend? You’d have seen an unprecedented number of skiers on our side of the mountain. Apparently the conditions were nigh on perfect


Elaine Sinton

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