HiTAC September 2017

I hope you are all planning to get along to the Plymouth Hotel this Thursday at 7.30 pm to hear mountaineer Lydia Bradey’s presentation. Lydia is being hosted by the Taranaki Alpine Club and this event takes the place of our usual club night. In 1988 Lydia became the first woman to summit Everest without supplemental oxygen. Lydia is an IFMGA Mountain and Ski Guide, and guides in New Zealand and overseas, especially at higher altitude.This is an evening not to be missed! We have invited members of the public to attend Lydia’s talk as well, so make sure you […]

HiTAC August 2017

President’s Desk First up this month is to advise that a date has been set for the 2018 Open Climb. Mark your diaries for Saturday 17 February, with a reserve date of Sunday 18 February. If anyone is fielding inquiries you can let people know that bookings will open on our website from early December. We will hold the Open Climb induction at the October club night. Further to my talk on Fiordland at the July club night, this is the link for the Milton Rotary Tramping Club/Otago Youth Adventure Trust, who organise tramps on the Great Walks and further […]

HiTAC July 2017

President’s Desk Awesome turnout for the Tuataras club night presentation earlier this month. What a credit to the club those guys and girls are, with both their national and international achievements! I hope you’ve all got your tickets for their Fundraiser Quiz night on Friday 30 June (see the facebook page for further info). By now everyone should have received their FMC Membership card in the post. Your FMC Card provides valuable discounts on DOC’s Annual Hut Pass and at many outdoor retailers including Bivouac, Gearshop and Macpac. Click the link below to find out more: www.fmc.org.nz/discount-card. There is one FMC […]

HiTAC June 2017

President’s Desk The snow is here and Chris has been busy organising the club’s Snowcraft courses which will take place during September. At the time of writing there are still vacancies in Snowcraft One, so don’t miss out. See the club facebook page for further information. Earlier this month, several members of the Committee, along with representatives from Stratford Mountain Club and Egmont Alpine Club attended a meeting with the Crown Treaty negotiators and Iwi representatives. This meeting was essentially a briefing on the upcoming negotiations between the Crown and Ngä Iwi o Taranaki over Egmont National Park. As negotiations progress […]

HiTAC May 2018

President’s Desk There’s been some exciting news this month in that we now have robins back in Egmont National Park! The robins were relocated from Pureora Forest earlier in April, and to date 50 birds have been released on Taranaki. Reading from the Taranaki Maunga facebook page the day after release: “Reports from the Maunga today is the toutouwai/robin released there are singing loud and strong, happy in their new home”. Check out Taranaki Maunga website and their facebook page for more info and some great photos: http://taranakimounga.nz/50-toutouwairobin-now-call-mt-taranaki-home-after-110-year-absence/ Update to FMC Photo Competition – FMC have looked at rules and timing of […]