HiTAC February 2017

President’s Desk Happy new year everyone and welcome to 2017. The club barbecue at Merrilands Domain was a small affair last week, but we managed to dodge the rain, play a bit of cricket and welcome some new members to the club. A number of club members headed south over the Christmas break, including both of this year’s Andy Harris Trust recipients – Ivan Bruce and Liam Todd. Do catch up with them to hear about their experience. I’m not sure that the weather played ball for everyone! The Open Climb registrations opened early December and the event was fully […]

HiTAC December 2016

President’s Desk Thanks to everyone who came along for the Open Climb induction for the 2017 event, to be held Saturday 18 February. We have sufficient members who’ve made themselves available to help on the day, so will open Registrations on the club website early December. If you know anyone who is keen to participate, remind them to book early! We’ve had an unprecedented number of entries for the club photo competition! Make sure you get along to the December club night to see all these fantastic photos. We’ll also be presenting Certificates in recognition of our Long service members […]

HiTAC November 2016

President’s Desk The Open Climb Committee held its first meeting last weekend, with much being achieved. As you know the Open Climb induction will take place at Club night on Thursday 3 November. If everyone who’d like to help out with the Open Climb on 18 February could be there, that will be great! And don’t forget Steve Ritson will be doing the gear presentation that night as well, and Stephen Miller will bring us up to date with the Lodge downstairs upgrade. See you there! You may have seen on the Club’s facebook page that Chris is organising a […]

HiTAC October 2016

President’s Desk As mentioned last month the induction briefing for the Open Climb will be held at the November club night, so that is Thursday 3 November, 7.30 pm at the Blind Foundation Rooms. To make this night a little more interesting for you, we’re going to include the Gear presentation of Singing Rock Mountaineering equipment that was unable to go ahead at the September club night, thanks Steve!  And due to popular demand Stephen Miller will also give a brief talk on how the Lodge downstairs upgrade is progressing.  Remember that if you want to help out with the […]

HiTAC September 2016

President’s Desk First up some important dates to note in your diary: The induction briefing for the Open Climb will be held at the November club night, so that is Thursday 3 November, 7.30 pm at the Blind Foundation Rooms. If you would like to help out with the Open Climb, you must attend this induction briefing, as part of our Safety Management Plan. The Open Climb will be held on Saturday 18 February 2017 (reserve date of Sunday 19 Feb). The Safety Management Plan is available on the Club Website on the Open Climb page if you would like […]