HiTAC February 2019

President’s Desk Happy new year everyone and welcome to 2019. First club night this year is the Club Barbecue on Thursday 7th February at 6.00 pm – new venue Tupare Gardens, 487 Mangorei Road. We will be using Tupare’s free gas barbecue and picnic area down by the river. Just bring along your own meats, salads and drinks and don’t forget your cricket gear and togs for a swim. Click on the link below for more information and a map of the venue: https://www.trc.govt.nz/gardens/tupare/ The club’s AGM is coming up on Thursday 7th March, and we need some new people […]

HiTAC December 2018

President’s Desk Thanks everyone for getting your entries in for the club’s Annual Photographic competition. Judge Chris Hill will be at our December club night to present the photos and offer a few tips around outdoor photography. Really looking forward to catching up with everyone on this night and we’ll have a few drinks to celebrate the end of 2018. Usual venue Blind Foundation rooms, Thursday 6 December at 7.30 pm. The latest FMC bulletins have now arrived and you can collect yours at the above mentioned club night, or follow the link below to view online. Organisation has begun […]

HiTAC November 2018

The downstairs upgrade of Tahurangi Lodge is now underway. If you are visiting the Lodge remember to obey all signage and follow any instructions from the builder and contractors who may be on site. Lodge Lockers – as at 27 October, eighteen lockers remain locked, including one of the tall full height ones. The instruction was simple: empty your locker and leave it unlocked, and this was to be done by the end of September. Surely not much to ask! For those who have not done this, are we to assume you no longer require a locker? We’ve now held […]

HiTAC October 2018

Just a reminder that the feature event for October club night is the Open Climb induction. Attendance is essential for all of those club members who would like to help out with the Open Climb on Saturday 16 February 2019. Every three years our Open Climb Safety Plan is audited by OutdoorsMark, and that audit is currently in progress. Following the induction we’ll view a screening of the movie “Mountain” (2017) an absolutely top movie. With the downstairs renovation of Tahurangi Lodge commencing on 1 October, all downstairs locker holders should by now have emptied their locker and left it […]

HiTAC September 2018

Some important notices to start with – remember if you have a locker up at Tahurangi Lodge this must be emptied by end of September in order for the Lodge Downstairs Upgrade project to commence. We’re looking for someone to fill in for Lodge Booking Officer from the middle of September for two and a half months whilst Gail is away. If you can help out please contact either myself, Gail Geange or one of the Exec members. This is not a particularly onerous task, and we’d hugely appreciate an offer of assistance. Our annual club photo competition takes place […]