HiTAC July 2022

President’s Desk Kia ora mountains enthusiasts, Well it’s certainly colder and wetter with some icy snow conditions high up on the mountain. Our not so modest club has plenty to offer this winter whether you’re into speedy ascents to summits when conditions allow, long gruelling suffer walks with big packs or just a casual stroll up jacob’s ladder and everything in between. This season’s first buddy walk kicks off this weekend and appears to be very popular, followed by plenty of instruction courses amongst some great film nights on and off the mountain. Motivation is high but don’t forget to […]

HiTAC June 2022

President’s Desk Kia ora folks, The first dump of snow that takes longer than a few days to melt away is always a mixed bag. Exciting because it marks the change in seasons required to complete this season’s projects but also brings with it an exercise in patience while we wait for both the quantity and quality of snow needed. While we check and maintain our gear ready for what is to come, It’s hard not to be thinking that this winter is going to be less impeded in contrast to previous few years by anything other than our own […]

HiTAC May 2022

Tena Koutou Katoa A personal thanks to all those members who have taken the time to update me on their adventures, I have recently survived on the tales of these trips while I recover from silly and annoying injuries preventing me from joining you. If you have also been unable to get out on the rock or maunga recently check out the great pics on our book face page showing TAC members rock climbing at Kawakawa bay on the eastern shores of the beautiful lake Taupo and more recently a walk up the ski field to the policeman with a […]

HiTAC April 2022

President’s Desk Kia ora katoa Thanks to those club members who turned up at our recent AGM amid gathering restrictions. A full committee was elected and have already hit the ground running to help maintain and continue to grow the best alpine club in the country (Thanks Ivan). For those of you who could not make it to the AGM an updated committee list will be on the club website shortly. In the meantime myself and the carrying over 2021 committee welcome Finn Gable as Club Captain and Equipment Officer who many of you will have seen on the mountain […]

HiTAC March 2022

President’s Desk Kia ora katoa, Right, this is the last one of these you’ll read penned by me, this month’s AGM will be held on Thursday the 3rd, and I’m handing over the belay of New Zealand’s best alpine club to a new president. I’ve been on the executive for ten years and El Pres for the past three, during which time I’ve been extremely lucky to have served alongside a competent, dedicated crew, and through their hard work the club has continued to prosper and grow. With an enthusiastic cohort of fresh new faces keen to climb, supported by […]