HiTAC June 2016

President’s Desk

Presidents DeskI hope you’re all looking forward to celebrating the Lodge Birthday on the Monday of Queens Birthday weekend. Let’s hope the snow is still around!

There’s just one week left to pay your sub without incurring a 20% penalty. There are still a few outstanding, so please get these paid promptly. On that note, one of our members has expressed an interest in taking on the Treasurer’s role, so do your bit and make life easier for her!

TAC Logo B&WTahurangi Lodge lockers – Most of those members who have lockers at the Lodge make great use of them, however there are a few that probably haven’t been touched for some time. If this is you, you may like to consider surrendering it so someone else who is more active on the mountain could use it. Please contact the Treasurer if you’d like to surrender your locker.

Club library – currently the Library is “in transit” so to speak. Jeremy has everything packed ready for transportation to it’s new home. Again a club member has indicated that he can likely provide a home for our books. So in the meantime the books aren’t readily accessible.

For anyone interested in knowing what publications the club holds, go to the club website, click on “Publications”, and choose “Library”. There’s a bit of reading there!

Elaine Sinton

Read On: HiTAC June 2016