HiTAC December 2023

President’s Desk

Kia ora Taranaki dwellers,

Just a short one from me this month as I am busy organising Open Climb which is only TWO MONTHS away! Luckily/unluckily, I have a minor injury, so this coincides with getting the admin work smashed out ASAP. If you’re free on Saturday 10th February to give us a hand getting up to 120 members of the public up the hill, let myself or the club secretary know ASAP. For those of you who haven’t helped out before, if you missed the induction at November club night we can still send you the presentation and I can have a chat with you over the phone or in person to make sure you have understood the key points and answer any questions you may have.

The maunga has been hit by a few late season snow dustings. Hopefully, some of our members have lined these snow sprinklings up with some favourable weather conditions to have some fun up there and progress their skills, be it rock or snow, or even better a combination of the two.

Entries for photo comp will be viewed this week at club night. While it is a photo competition, it’s also a great way to share some beautiful places in three seconds flat that you have been to over the last couple of years. Which is great for those attending as it’s near impossible to go everywhere, so seeing some visuals can help you prioritise where you go next. Visual media is a fantastic way to promote the benefits of our chosen activities within and external to the club. While our photo comp caters to those looking through a still lens, I am going out on a limb that members could be just as talented at mixed media painting, digitally altered images and vines (not what grapes grow on but short 30sec videos). Perhaps a future club night could cater to show off those creatively minded in this way within the club. If this piques your interest and would make an engaging club night just, let either myself or someone else on the committee know.

Nga Mihi

Conrad Murray

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