Hi Taranaki Alpine Club, so its that time of year when we get the axes out, sharpen the crampons and don the woolly jumpers n gloves!!
For some of you, this will be a whole new exciting stage in your mountaineering or for others just more valuable experiences in the cold white stuff!!
The TAC will again be running exceptionally brilliant courses aimed at both novice and experienced mountaineers to get out with like minded members, up-skill, and learn new skills altogether.
We will be running three SC1 courses (1 more than last year due to popular demand) and one SC2 course.
SnowCraft 1 is aimed at novices to learn the basics of winter mountaineering, you will cover ice axe and crampon techniques, movement on snow and ice, equipment and a whole lot of good basic knowledge to enable you to get with a group or friend and be able to “tag along” and understand the basics. A great weekend up at the lodge and also a great sociable night!!
Snowcraft 2 is the next step up and aimed at more experienced mountaineers and climbers who have a few years under there belts and the basics of rock climbing, tying in, rope work etc. Making anchors in the snow, being roped up and getting onto steeper ground!! for this course we are going to go to the CNI and venture out into pastures green!! (white hopefully!!) this course has limited spaces so please submit a letter / log book or relevant info to sell yourself why you should have a spot!! Gear is limited for this course and due to the technical aspect needs to be kept smaller for safety of all involved.
I will put out further emails of equipment etc and timings at a later date and introduce each course to there relevant instructors.
The alternative dates are to allow a second crack at the course should the weather not be suitable. If the course cannot be run on either date it will be put on again at the end of the last set of dates at the discretion of the instructors and there availability.
The Pre meet is to get together with your instructors to discuss the course content, equipment required and some “top tips” on gear to buy or not buy!! its expensive so if you need technical advice please get in touch before you potentially buy not ideal gear!!
Costs for the courses are $80 for the weekend instruction which includes technical club equipment hire, a training manual (SC2) and accommodation. But not food and vino!!
Payment details will follow with emails of interest along with the required application forms.
- SC2 JULY 17,18,19 (alternative 24,25 26) pre meet Monday 13th YMCA (TBC)
- SC1 AUGUST 1,2 (alternative 8,9) pre meet Tues 21st (venue TBC)
- SC1 AUGUST 15,16 (alternative 22,23) pre meet Tues 3rd Aug (venue TBC)
- SC1 SEPTEMBER 5,6 (alternative 12,13 Sept) pre meet Tues 25th (venue TBC)
Please don’t hesitate to contact me for any advice or questions you may have.
Club Captain