HiTAC August 2024

President’s desk

It’s a wet and miserable day as I write this, washing away the limited snow we had!

Snowcraft 2 course went ahead with Dave, Fletcher & Geordie at the helm – thanks crew for sharing your knowledge & experience with our members! Some photos on Facebook – to prove they found just enough snow!

Fingers crossed that we good a dump of the white stuff so Snowcraft 1 courses can go ahead!

The committee is currently reviewing some of the club documents: The Constitution, Policies & Procedures, Safety plans, that sort of thing. These are the guiding principles of how we function and do require the time it takes to critique. We must ensure we meet “best practice” in all these areas.

It’s been a number of years since the Maunganui Ski Club & Egmont Alpine Club have connected. Since we all are facing the same changes with the park, it was time to get together and chew the fat, so to speak. Similar concerns seem present for all clubs: members’ concerns include what could change for each club (if anything), liaison roles, rights of access to our buildings, and restricted access to parts of the maunga.

Change often invokes fear – fear of the unknown, uncertainty about who to approach to discuss issues etc. All 3 clubs have our own individual histories, which is rich camaraderie born out of a love of the local great outdoors!

Now that the bonds have been reconnected, I suggested we have a joint club event for our members, so keep your eye out for that. You never know who may turn up at such an event that you haven’t seen for years.

The club beanie have been an enormous success, there are only a few left so get in contact if you are still hoping to purchase one.

TAC is one of the clubs in the region that continues to attract new members, the benefits we offer with courses, trips, and the lodge to use as a base seems to meet the requirements of people who wish to extend their knowledge within the park.

Time to put another log on the fire……

Hopefully see you on some snow soon!

Sheryl Hamilton
Madam President

Read More: HiTAC August 2024