Wow!!…almost beaten by the weather gods but not quite!!
Our move up and Saturday training was hampered by horizontal rain so a last-minute decision was made to train in the YMCA and go through the basics and introductions! This was kept simple and focused on a great way to learn “abseiling” but also highlighted there were other options available and you might see your mates doing things slightly different!! But for beginners, lets learn a good way to start us off!! Knots were tied, abseils carried out, discussions had and finally ropes coiled ready for a fast and furious Sunday silly o’clock start on the mountain! (6am meet and walk up!!) coffee supplied by Finn!!
At the lodge whist drinking more coffee and breakfast we rigged up more abseils, buddy buddy checked each other and practiced what we had learned again before heading over to Tegal Wall for the “real deal”!!
The weather was everything from rain, to cloud to boiling to damp and back to claggy again but this didn’t stop the smiles, learning and fun!!
Abseils completed and then a hasty retreat over to Warwick Castle for abseil no 2!!… No time for lunch, this was a busy day!! eat on the go!! From here after nibbles and drinks the second abseil was set up. All students moved over the traverse in a “real alpine move” being belayed and unclipping on the way (under supervision) after discussing if we should A. just solo it? B move roped up or C pitch it? what were our capabilities, was the rock wet? time restraints? safety?…all gear discussions and pros / cons to being a mountaineer and moving safely.
Once on the top and all safe, we abseiled off…(safety on, belay device on, not touching each other and whole system checks!!) which proved to be a great challenge and quite scary for some!! big drop down and vertical!!…great to see everyone focused on the task, ensuring everything was good and taking responsibility for themselves!! (under supervision!!)
Thorough checks and remembering “ARCHER”…A…how’s that anchor point?…R…Ropes, correct knots, free of obstructions, stopper knot etc? C. Carabiners…are they all locked and good? orientated correctly? H. Helmet and harness? all pre checked and secure? E…did we have any other Equipment we need to secure or deal with (possibly an ice axe in winter or a bag to go down) and finally, R…were ready to go!!!
So, there you go, a super fun day, great learning and experience to try playing with ropes, knots and learning to be safe in the mountains with a look at rock climbing.
Thanks everyone for organising, Finn for being wingman and everyone for participating and making it a great day!!
AKA Steve Ritson