President’s Desk
Hi folks,
It’s been nice to catch up with the climbing community again and stretch out dusty limbs on the Maunga again. Everyone is itching to get back into things as soon as possible and the coming month should start to see a return to normal transmission of club activities.
However, there will be no club night for June as our usual venue remains out of bounds. We are working on a back up venue and a guest speaker to kick start the club nights back up again in July, keep an eye on the face book page for details.
Also, the 90th anniversary celebrations have been postponed until the 1st of August. Again, social distancing, food prep issues and tracing under Covid Level 2, mean that the camp house venue wasn’t going to work out, so we look forward to holding the same event in August.
Sorry but I’ve got to run through some admin with you all this month. Subs are now due! This year we have sent the subs out via email (thanks to Chris Hayes for working out how to do this)and we’ve had a very positive response so far from the membership, so thanks to those who have promptly paid theirs. If you haven’t received an email with your subs statement, please first check your spam folder before contacting either myself or the treasurer, you may have to update your email contact.
We will be doing a thorough audit of our membership this year. This may sound draconian, but we pay a FMC sub of $15 per member and the HiTAC mail out generates fees once the membership surpasses a set limit. Unpaid memberships can start to cost the club. So, if subs aren’t paid by the 1st July you are no longer considered a club member. Unpaid membership fobs will be deactivated so if you are not renewing your membership please return your fob so we can pass it on to new members. Also, if you do not need a locker this year, please let us know, there is a waiting list for lockers.
We are getting geared up for the snow craft courses this winter, so get in touch with Steve ASAP to book your places, if you haven’t already. You can phone him any time after 9pm.
Ange is, as always, keen for new club trip ideas, and given that none of us are going to be jetting off to Bali any time soon maybe now’s the time to make some of those local adventures you’ve been planning for a while happen.
Winter’s here and the snow’s on the way – there’s certainly worse places to be stuck than Taranaki.
See you all out there.
Ivan Bruce
El Presidente!