HiTAC September 2024

President’s Desk Another month has rolled over with mixed weather conditions. I’m pleased to say the first of the three snowcraft courses was completed – thanks to Geordie, Finn, Glen & Pete for sharing your knowledge! Sadly the second course didn’t get the same luck! Our last pre-field course of the season has just been completed, so let’s hope those members get to go and learn in good snow conditions on the 24th August. My focus has been on concession renewals – I’ve been advised that the lodge concession renewal paperwork should arrive this coming week, so that’s great news. […]

HiTAC August 2024

President’s desk It’s a wet and miserable day as I write this, washing away the limited snow we had! Snowcraft 2 course went ahead with Dave, Fletcher & Geordie at the helm – thanks crew for sharing your knowledge & experience with our members! Some photos on Facebook – to prove they found just enough snow! Fingers crossed that we good a dump of the white stuff so Snowcraft 1 courses can go ahead! The committee is currently reviewing some of the club documents: The Constitution, Policies & Procedures, Safety plans, that sort of thing. These are the guiding principles […]