HiTAC August 2023

President’s Desk Kia Ora Club Members, With no shortage of snow and ice, I am sure plenty of you are making the most of it and getting up on the maunga. I have personally stepped up my cardio and strength training last week as my first non-ski field ski excursion of the season was very short lived. This was less to do with the gusting wind at the top of Hongis stairs but more the effort required from my legs with very firm snow conditions under a 10 cm layer of feathery snow that joined in on my descent. If […]

HiTAC July 2023

President’s Desk For the brief moments the Maunga sheds its cloudy disguise this week along with a polar blast forecasted, there is hope for a good start and to the snow craft season(touch wood). So hopefully you have some family and friend points saved up to spend up large, on the mountain over winter, if you haven’t it’s not too late to get on top of the odd jobs around the house so that when the big dumps comes, you are ready to hit the snow. On the topic of snowcraft if you haven’t secured a spot, you likely missed […]

HiTAC June 2023

President’s desk Kia ora Folks, Well if you assumed from the missing president’s report last month myself and the committee have been very busy and there is also a lot to update the membership on, then let the below be proof of that. The Lodge now has Indemnity insurance Cover for up to just over one million dollars just in time before our previous policy expired. Thanks to the committee for coming together for an extra meeting to discuss options, our Treasurer Andrew Darney for helping the committee and membership understand the various options on offer to us and Ross […]

HiTAC April 2023

President’s Desk Well it certainly is getting a bit cooler of late which is on track for a better snow season than last year. Thanks to those who attended the March Club Night AGM, it was intended to be an efficient affair like the last couple of years that preceded it. However because of the requested member feedback for lodge insurance options the meeting did include some comprehensive discussion on a very wide net of possible solutions going forward. One Item that didn’t take long was the election of the executive committee with the welcome addition of John Coplestone. I […]